Product Sourcing (Free).

How to source the right products in China? Maybe you can get thousands of quotations on the website like Alibaba, or come to China to visit supplier and trade show on your own.

But how to sort out all these information and make the right decision? There is a noteworthy risk of wasting time and money. So Why not try MySourcify? It’s free, reliable, and convenient!

How to do it? Quite easy. Just open, click the button “inquiry online,” and fill in your product information, or attach links from Alibaba, Amazon or any other websites.

We will find exactly the same products for you. After your inquiry is submitted, we will immediately assign a personal sourcing agent for you, to follow up and find 2-3 best-matched factories within two days.

Most importantly, the majority of suppliers we work with are not reachable on websites or trade shows, who can quote the most competitive prices.

Need Products From China?

Is the price too high? Quality problem? No experience! Your personal agent will help you get the best price and support the whole importing process. Just fill out the form, we assign you an agent shortly. (lt’s free)